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North Yellowstone
Q: What time is Check-Out?
A: Check-out is 10:00 AM
Q: What time is Check-In?
A: The check-in window is 4:00 PM until 9:00 PM
Q: Do you offer early check-in or late check-out?
A: Early check-in or late check-out is subject to availability and may incur an additional fee. Please call us at (406) 224-8450 to inquire about availability. If we are unable to accommodate your request, we will happily hold your luggage at the check-in desk while you explore the town or enjoy the lodge amenities. We'll get you into your tipi as soon as possible.
Q: Are pets allowed?
A: We are not able to accommodate pets at this time.
We recommend Querencia Kennels or Yellowstone Pet Boarding. These facilities fill up quickly and we strongly advise booking pet reservations well in advance of your arrival. For an additional fee, the facilities can provide transportation.
What is the Cancellation Policy?
Cancellations may be made without penalty up to 30 days prior to the scheduled arrival. Cancellations made after this deadline will be non-refundable. Please note that no-shows and early departures will be charged the full amount of the reservation. To amend your reservation, call us (406) 224-8450.
Q: Is there a minimum age requirement for lodging in the tipis?
A: Yes. Guests lodging in the tipis must be 5 years or older and we ask that any guest who requires supervision be accompanied by a competent adult at all times while on property.
Q: What are the capacity limits for the tipis?
A: The capacity limits for our tipis are as follows: King Tipis can accommodate up to two guests who will be sleeping in one King Bed, while Double Queen Tipis can accommodate up to four guests who will be sleeping in two Queen Beds. However, we do allow parents who wish to bedshare with their children to exceed these limits.
Q: Are there pull-out couches in the tipis, or should families with children book a double tipi?
A: While all of our tipis include additional seating, not all have seating suitable for sleeping. King tipis are designed to accommodate up to two guests sleeping in one king bed. If you prefer more sleeping space, you may want to consider booking a Double Queen Tipi, which is designed to accommodate up to four guests in two queen beds.
Parents' who are interested in bed sharing are encouraged to call us at (406) 224-8450 to inquire.
Q: How far is Yellowstone Tipis from the nearest airport?
A: We are located 1 hr and 30 min away from Bozeman International Airport.
Q: Do you offer a shuttle service?
A: No, we do not offer a shuttle service.
Q: Are there rental cars available?
A: The Bozeman International Airport has direct access to all major rental car agencies. During the summer tourist season rental car availability can be impacted. We recommend as an alternative to traditional vehicle rentals.
Q: Are rideshare services available?
A: While you may have luck securing a ride share service from Bozeman, the cost is extraordinarily high and services near the property are not available. We advise guests to plan on having independent means of transportation.
Q: Can guests drive through Yellowstone National Park?
A: Yes. Guests who plan to drive through Yellowstone National Park should check for road closures and delays before their departure. The North Entrance is open to public transportation.
Q: Will my GPS apps work for navigation?
A: Some areas will have limited to no cellular service for GPS. Additionally, GPS apps may not provide the most up-to-date information on road closures or delays. You are welcome to contact us at (406) 224-8450 with specific questions about your route.
Q: Is there electricity in the tipis?
A: Yes, unlike many outdoor accommodations, our tipis and the bath house are fully outfitted with electricity.
Q: Is there air conditioning in the tipis?
A: No, it is not feasible to equip the tipis for air conditioning. However, we provide cooling fans to ensure guest comfort. Please note that even during the summer months, it can get cool overnight.
Q: Is there heating in the tipis?
A: Yes, there are heated mattress covers and space heaters inside the tipis to ensure comfortable sleeping conditions.
Q: Can guests store food in the tipis?
A: No, to prevent attracting wildlife we strongly enforce policies regarding the storage, consumption, and disposal of food and food-related waste. For this reason, we ask that no food be brought into the tipis or the tipi yard. However, we do provide opportunities for guests to store their food in the refrigerator or pantry located within the lodge.
Q: Is there a restaurant on site?
A: While there is no on-site restaurant, we do provide a complimentary continental breakfast each morning. In the evenings, many guests enjoy attending an authentic cowboy cookout at a working ranch just up the road from our property, available Sunday through Thursday. Tickets and availability can be seen on our activities page.
Q: Are there facilities to cook and prepare food?
A: Due to the diversity of our guests and their varying levels of experience co-existing with wildlife, we have intentionally limited the ability to cook meals on site. Instead, we encourage our guests to explore and take advantage of the many local dining options that are just minutes away from the property. These options offer a variety of cuisines that are sure to satisfy any appetite, and contribute to supporting our small town, family owned business community. Should guests truly prefer to prepare their own meals, we do have a guest refrigerator, pantry and microwave available for convenience.
Q: Are there facilities to store or refrigerate food?
A: Yes, guests may store food in either the guest refrigerator or pantry located inside the lodge. We advise against storing food in vehicles due to the risk of wildlife damage.
Q: Can guests bring take-out meals back to the property?
A: Great question! Yes, guests are welcome to bring take-out meals back to the property to enjoy. We encourage our guests to explore the many local dining options that are just minutes away from the property, offering a variety of cuisines that are sure to satisfy any appetite. Your patronage directly supports our small town, family-owned business community. During the summer months, wait times at some of the most popular spots can be overwhelming, so guests are more than welcome to bring their meals back to enjoy at the lodge.
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